8. March 2010 - Panorama
from Holmes Place Pasture |
8. March 2010 some of the
horses |
8. March 2010
Mac having breakfast ;-) |
February 2010 - The
horses were very bored and left their fresh hay to check out what I was
doing on top of the hill |
2010: After a VERY White Christmas (4 feet of snow in two days) the
ranch is buried under snow. Cowboy Tye is pushing snow around to feed the
cows and horses - they are doing great with plenty of hay. There is nothing
to do at the ranch but feed the animals everyday - a chore that takes a
few hours each day. When calving season starts in March/April the cowboys
and ranchers will be out and about for 14 to 16 hours every day.
- Picture series of Mac and
his thoughts of sheep: Mac
encounters Sheep
January 2010 - View
on the ranch coming down the last hill - the lake is buried under snow
and ice. |
Most horses are in a big
pasture away from the ranch where Tye brings them hay with the tractor.
These are the riding horses for the winter and some two-year olds which
get some extra feed every day. |
December 2009 - I
had to go up to the ranch to pick up a horse. Since the road was too bad
I parked my trailer on the bottom of the hill and rode up to the ranch.
Some friends joined me on this beautiful sunny day. |
December 2009 - My
neighbor Nick with ranchhand Tanja in front of the butte. |
December 2009 - I
wanted to borrow a weanling colt from the Lake Ranch to keep company for
a weanling colt I have at home. But the weanlings weren't around close
enough so I opted for a little 2year old Cremello gelding instead. He'll
do ... :) |
November 2009 - Curious
broodmares and some pretty paint horses. |
November 2009 - Finally:
a real tourist pictures of me (right) with Devils Tower in the background. |
November 2009 - horse
drive |
November 2009 - The
riding horses for the winter on a pasture close to the ranch |
November 2009 - The
bigger part of the horse herd are in a bigger pasture farer away on vacation
- lucky them! |
November 2009 - preg-check-day:
moving cows down the aile |
November 2009 - preg-check-day:
move cows to the corrals, Luca with Seabiscuit. |
November 2009 - preg-check-day:
it's getting late ... |
November 2009 - preg-check-day:
and later ... |
November 2009 - preg-check-day:
nice sunset |
November 2009 - preg-check-day:
hide and seek in the dark |
November 2009 - Mac
drives horses |
November 2009 - Muledeer
buck |
November 2009 - lonesome
cowboy - Luca checks cows |
November 2009 |
October 2009 - Finally:
our second branding season at a neighbors ranch starts |
October 2009
- guest Jabel wrestles them all - no calf is too big for her! |
October 2009 - Luca
and a neighbor cowboy rope the calves |
October 2009 - big
skys! |
October 2009 - one
more |
October 2009 - Luca
with his gray Martin |
October 2009 - Too
big of a load for the ranch pickup or too much ice? |
October 2009 - riding
in the snow :) |
August 2009 - our
2year old fillies and a three year old orphan gelding. |
August 2009 - the
2year old studs |
September 2009 -
broodmare band for sale |
September 2009 -
he is for sale too |
September 2009 -
Cowboy Tye coming down the hill |
October 2009 - horse
drive |
September 2009 -
Cattle Drive |
September 2009 -
another Cattle Drive |
June 2009 - Picnic
in Oshoto: the cowboys arrive. |
June 2009 - Sly and
Dice having a break |
June 2009 - Hulett
Rodeo: also a pick-up-horse has to do some business |
June 2009 - Hulett
Rodeo: ride'm, Cowboy! |
June 2009 - Hulett
Rodeo: Bucking horses in their pen before he action. |
June 2009 - Hulett
Rodeo: ... and after the action. |
June 2009 - Tye on
the Palomino with no name |
June 2009 - getting
ready to rope some calves |
June 2009 - lots
of active help |
June 2009 - ... and
lots of spectators |
June 2009 - Tye on
his Palomino with the butte in the background. A picture someone can not
get enough of (talking about the butte) |
June 2009 - Sly rather
watches |
June 09 - Dice on
the porch - not his fault, a guest lured him up the stairs with some treats. |
June 2009 - Luca
doesn't think that this is funny and sends Dice off the porch. |
May 2009 -
Horses in the South Field |
May 2009 - Horses
in the South Field |
May 2009 - A neighbor's
cowboy and our cowboy Tye are having fun |
May 2009 - Picnic
in Oshoto where the ranch runs 90 heifers which need to be checked once
in a while. It's a long ride over there but there is always some good food
waiting underneath the trees. |
May 2009 - The view
from the picnic spot - windbrake, windmill, prairie and, of course, cattle. |
March 2009 - Tye
and Spike get ready to go check the cows. |
May 2009 - still
checking ... ;-) Time flies by when you're having fun! |
March 2009 - A little
bit snow is no reason to close school. |
March 2009 - Dice,
Mac and Quick on vacation - the lucky ones! |
February 10, 2009 - A
view over the lake - hidden underneath snow and ice. |
February 6, 2009 -
A visit at the Lake Ranch with winter panorama - this makes you look forward
to the beginning of the season! |
February 6, 2009
- Dirty but healthy - the yearlings of the Lake Ranch. |
February 6, 2009
- Tyes horses and a some older or younger horses get some extra care. |
January 26, 2009 - Not
a rainbow but a snowbow. |
Even the deer are impressed
:) |
December 1, 2008 - Last
ride for this year. The horses are barely used during the winter. The cows
spend their time in a pasture where they are fed with hay while the horses
are free to roam the ranch. |
Chilly with thick clothing
it is hard to imagine that there were days with 90 degree and a swim in
the lake ... |
December 1, 2008 -
Brandy and Tye sort cows ad mark down the ear tag numbers. |
Some cows lost their eartags
and Tye re-tags them. |
November 25, 2008 - Some
of Frosty's mares on pasture. |
November 25, 2008 -
Brandy checking on the mares. |
This wide open space ....
Bianca and Brandy on theri way to check the cows. |
November 3, 2008 - Luca
riding his young Buckskin (who turns grey)
checking cows. |
November 3, 2008 -
Luca and Brandy check if the cows have enough minerals left in their lick
barrels. |
Big Skys - the Lake
Ranch in late fall. |
October 08 - some
of Frosty's mares on their winter pasture. |
October 13, 2008
- pregnancy check for the cows at the Lake Ranch after the first snow this
season. |
Luca and Tye try to sort
a "fence jumper" of the other cows. We had quite a few cows with a bad
attitude this day. |
September 22, 2008
- Branding at a neighbor who calves his cows in August and September. |
Tye with his grey horse
roping. |
and again - since it looks
so cool ;-) |
well deserved break |
Lunch is served picknick
style with fried chicken, sandwiches, zucchini bread, fresh fruits and
pound cake - tastes double as good after the hard work. |
Another bunch of calves
is waiting to be branded - better use this
break to rest up! |
August 9, 2008 -
just enjoying the landscape. Pictures can not catch this wide open country! |
August 7, 2008 -
the town of Hulett invites to their second annual event "Ride a Horse feed
a Cowboy". |
Every rider who enters town
on horseback is treatet to a free dinner. Hamburger, Chips and Baked Beans,
of course :-) |
Juni 27, 2008 - Branding
in the Roping Arena at the ranch. |
Max roping calves in the
round pen |
May 2008 - Even though
we are used to some strange weather in Wyoming - this late snow was also
for us surprising. However, we used the couple of days with snowmobiling
and rides in the snow. |
April 30, 2008 Branding
at the Lake Ranch. We have several brandings in Mai/June and again September/October.
Here Max on his bay horse
"Chili" roping a calf. |
April 15, 2008 -
Middle of April - the season has just startet. The horses are all over
the ranch and Here is Luca sorting some of them off. It will take a few
days until we have the breeding stock and work horses sorted! |
October 2007
Late brandings are going
on since one of our neighbors is a fall calver. We brand calves in Mai/June
and again in September/October.
22, 2007
No comment.
August 09, 2007
Shippingday at the Lake
Ranch. 430 yearling heifers spend the summer at the ranch before they are
shipped to feedlots in Colorado.
April 18, 2007
The Little Missouri Butte.
In a few weeks this view will be completed with dozens of baby calves. |
April 18, 2007
Lake Ranch calf #3. The
heifers are almost done with calving, six weeks earlier than the older
cows. They just started to drop their babies and will be calving until
end of May. |
April 5, 2007
Well - they are sure cute,
these baby calves. But if there are a hundered or twohundred of them and
you need to go check them in knee deep snow and mud it takes quite some
away from their cuteness ... ;-)
But we can not complain
- most part of the calving season was very mild weather, sun and temperatures
up to 70 degrees - this is great spring weather for Wyoming! |
2007: Looks like we have some Spring coming.
cows are calving, and the first guests will show up April 19. This will
end the long and lonesome winter for Max, who took care of the ranch, cows,
and horses since the rancher left last November. Some people are smart
enough to escape the hard Wyoming winters ... ;-))
June 8, 2006
The new mare band - another
30 mares add on to the already existing horse herd on the ranch. I'm not
sure what the actual count is - more than a 100, that's a given. And at
least 30 oft them will have foals next spring - something to look forward
to! |
June 6, 2006
Cutting Clinic at the Lake
Ranch. A trainer from Nebraska came with three great cutting horses and
tried to teach us something. |
May 21,
Paint "Dice" makes friend
with an abandoned calf. The calf was so lonesome, he was very willing to
accept my horse as his new mom. Unfortunately Dice lacks on a good source
of milk so we came back later with a pickup to bring the calf to the ranch
and bottle feed it. |
May 18, 2006
Wide open country. Cowboys
on their way through the so called "Winter Pasture", a place not too far
away from the ranch buildings where the cows usually get their calves. |
May 7, 2006
Coming home to the Ranch
- the buildings are nestled in a little valley beside one of the very few
natural lakes in the Black Hills. |
April 13, 2006
I think I took a hundred
pictures from this place with this beautiful view over a valley to Devils
Tower. You have to see this yourself, though - this wide open country can
not be captured by a camera.
My horse Foxy doesn't seem
to be as impressed as I was, though ;-) |
April 13, 2006
The horses run free in huge
pastures until the season begins end of April. |
October 19, 2005
The evening before shipping
day - rounding up the calves for the sale.
Larry, a friend from Rapid
City, on the great paint gelding "Midnight Bullet", and Rancher Luca on
his mare "Gracie". |
September 5th,
The brood mares of the Lake
Ranch coming down to the lake for a drink and bath. |
June 8th, 2005
Branding day on the Lake
Ranch. The crew, guests and cowboys, are getting their horses ready for
the round up of the cattle. |
June 17th
Branding on the Lake Ranch.
Rancher Luca with his gelding "Amigo" roping a calf. |
May 22nd, 2005
Landcape - you can not get
enough of it! The mountain is the highest one of the four "Little Missouri
Buttes". |
Horse Ranch s
52 Wenger Road s
Devils Tower, WY 82714 s
Heike Bohl s
ph 307-756-3907 s
e-mail info@coloredhorseranch.com